Galaxy Zoo Talk

Help identifiying active galactic nuclei

  • liometopum by liometopum

    This big core reminded me to ask:
    Where are some sources here to help us identify active galactic nuclei?


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    If there is no spectral chart, AGN are identified by colour. Nearby are green, then "pink" (magenta) , then blue. Look down the hot hydrogen chart in There are also examples of when the nucleus is masked by starforming.

    If there are spectral charts, AGN have Hα peaks. Slightly active AGN have small peaks, quasars have big, wide Hα peaks.

    I think the green here is an artifact. Other stars and galaxies nearby have green on one side. It is a distant galaxy, and the AGN would be magenta.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to liometopum's comment.

    In addition to what Budgieye wrote: if you have only an image (SkyServer or otherwise), perhaps the easiest way to tell if there's an AGN is that the nucleus looks 'star-like'. I.e. it looks as if there's a star at the location of the nucleus (the central part of the a galaxy). For ellipticals, this will mean the center looks abruptly bright; for spirals, that the bulge has a bright center.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Yes, it's really hard to tell just by looking at the GZ image if a galaxy has an AGN in it. Sometimes you can guess pretty accurately, but the confirmation is in the spectrum or in other multi-wavelength data (like the X-ray, or a combination of X-ray and infrared).

    It's a shame -- AGN are my primary research topic and I would love to be able to spot them with high accuracy (and know I'd not missed many) just by examining the images!


  • liometopum by liometopum

    Is there a link to a page showing examples of AGN? Add to this maybe something we can look for in the spectra, on those rare occasions a spectra exists? Then we can at least offer up some possible objects for her to inspect more closely.
    Would that be of help?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    A few examples here AGN - it is just a glossary so I do not want to expand it futhur. The ones that are confirmed will have a spectra on SkyServer.

    More examples here along with a lot of information about spectra etc...

    AGN Thread on the old forum.
