Galaxy Zoo Talk

PhotoZ test on AGZ0002vjv

  • liometopum by liometopum

    Hi Capella05. I had just learned to use PhotoZ that evening, and wanted to test it out. I had already classified this as a merger, based on the altered lower arm, being distorted towards the merging galaxy, (note my earlier Comment) and was following this object. When I saw a veteran classify it as an overlap, I could not resist the PhotoZ test.
    Is it OK to Comment on PhotoZ results, if error is considered? Or leave it out?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Just classify it as you see it. If you think it is an overlap classify it as such, if you think it is a merger, that is okay as well. The fact that lots of people will classify this as either an overlap or a merger wil tell the scientists that this one is very special.

    Happy hunting ! 😄


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to liometopum's comment.

    As mentioned above the only tools you need to classify is your eyes 😃

    PhotoZ is a nice to know, but it can be inaccurate! Which is why there are several error margins you should take into account when using it (zErr, nnCount, NNVol...). You can find more info on the excellent SDSS and SkyServer website. If the error margin is particularity high for a galaxy, the photoZ will be of no use, so it is really important to take it into account.

    When quoting the photoZ most people would include the zErr so whoever reading the post can take the margins into account and make their own conclusions 😃

    Hope this helps!
