Galaxy Zoo Talk

Merger argument for AGZ0004iy9

  • liometopum by liometopum


    1. The right side, spiral arm galaxy is asymmetrical, the arms not being the same, with much greater mass at the upper side, . The Edge-on hints at disturbance on opposite side, but most of all, it has less mass on the upper side too, as some may have been transferred to the spiral's added mass. Notice too that the spiral's disturbed arm would have passed through, or near, the edge-on galaxy, further supporting the merger, or interaction, argument.
    2. PhotoZ for the spiral is 0.07856 +/_ .018667 -> range of 0.59893-.097227
      . PhotoZ of edge-on is .070476 +/- .024321 -> range of .046155-.094797
      So PhotoZ cannot rule out merger..

    Moderators... is this an ok use of PhotoZ?
