Galaxy Zoo Talk

Object spinning clockwise? Left side red-shifted, right side blue-shifted

  • InasmuchasInisup by InasmuchasInisup

    The colors seem clearer when inverted and is more pronounced with the object to the upper-right, but does seem to be similar with centered object. That Pepsi symbol above has a clear ribbon passing between the sides.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to InasmuchasInisup's comment.

    Welcome to the Zoo @InasmuchasInisup ,

    The colours in this image are actually optical artifacts - it looks like the different filters were slightly misaligned so when this colour image was 'stacked' or 'processed' the red and blue colours did not line up perfectly.

    You are right - We can tell if an object is rotating by looking at the redshift (blue coming towards us and red away) but this will be visible in the spectra (spectrograph) not the visible image itself.

    Hope this helps, and let us know if you have any more questions.
