Galaxy Zoo Talk

Yellow color galaxies

  • Veegee by Veegee

    Are the yellow colored galaxy shots, true color? I mean, are these old galaxy's who have no or little new star formation and
    are full of old yellow stars now? Almost all I have seen seem to be elliptical galaxies.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Do you have an example - so I can have a look?


  • Veegee by Veegee

    Here is one, I see many this color, is it just the filter? Image AGZ00095ka Here is another photo Image AGZ0008dop


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Aaaahhhhh - they are both simulated galaxies so they will tend to share similar 'yellow' characteristics. With these galaxies, just try to classify them as if it was a real galaxy.


  • Veegee by Veegee

    what are simulated galaxies? I saw that label on one galaxy when I went into the detail page--I see lots of these color galaxies


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to Veegee's comment.

    Hi Veegee,

    Here is a bit more info on the Illustris images :

    Happy hunting ! 😄
