Galaxy Zoo Talk

Green Orb

  • kjelliott777 by kjelliott777

    was wondering if anyone could gives me some more information on what that bright green orb I am looking at next to this galaxy. Looks pretty spectacular.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to kjelliott777's comment.

    Welcome to Galaxy Zoo, kjelliott777!

    This is an Illustris sim; the yellow stuff is a simulated galaxy (or perhaps two, looks like a nice merger to me). However, the red blobs and the green orb are part of the 'canvas' onto which the Illustis sim has been pasted. That canvas is a random SDSS field (as far as I know, there's no way to work out where it is). The green orb seems to have diffraction spikes (like compass points), which would be a sure sign of it being a star, in our own Milky Way galaxy; its odd color is likely due to at least one of the CCDs being saturated ...

    Hope this helps, and happy hunting! 😃
