Galaxy Zoo Talk

White object to the left of the galaxy center

  • Blazar312 by Blazar312

    I believe that there is an object that I can't identify to the left of the galactic center in this galaxy. I think it looks like a white smudge, and I was wondering if anyone had any idea as to what this is?


  • zoob1172 by zoob1172

    enter image description here

    MCG -01-06-043 z=0.017135 a #spiral dusty ETG with a radio source at the non-photometric center of the object and 2 xray sources straddling the starforming or starburst region. Another object z=0.017482 is south having a similar length and width and for comparison, perhaps a smaller version, AGZ000cw10 at the same red shift.

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    enter image description here
    enter image description here

