Galaxy Zoo Talk

We're Testing Some Improvements... please bear with us

  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Hi all,

    We're testing some improvements to Galaxy Zoo Talk and the Zooniverse in general, so there may be some weird tags and posts going on for the next day or two. Hope this doesn't interfere too much, and if you have a question please feel free to ask!



  • zutopian by zutopian

    Suggestions: Improvement Talk:

    • I noticed, that the "keyword collections" however contain max. 500 images in the new Talk version #bug, but in the old Talk some of these collections contained more than 500 images.:e.g.: keyword collection merger: When you search "merger", then there are shown more than 500 results for the hashtag merger.
      There are "non-keyword" collections, which contain more than 500 images.

    • I couldn't find a Tutorial "How to use Talk" in the new version, but in the old version there was a Tutorial.

    • I would like to delete some of the sent/received personal messages in my Profile, but as far as I know, it is however not possible.


  • zutopian by zutopian

    Here is a further suggestion.:

    The short comments should be allowed to be more than just 140 characters! (Maybe + 14 characters= 154 characters)


  • davidrobertson by davidrobertson

    Sorry I don't see a suggestions section: could you add a new type to your three spirals, many have a very long bar with quite a sharp angle then arms going round almost in a partial ring. The arms are "tight" but as they originate quite far out from the centre they don't fit the profile diagram for tight arms.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Could you give an example of this kind of spiral ?


  • Terrance_L._Johnson by Terrance_L._Johnson

    I believe the above comment is referring to arms that originate at the tips of long bars or the ends of extended central ovals and proceed to hug close to the bar or oval. I've seen many examples. I think people can also be confused when a two-armed galaxy has one tight arm and one loose or medium arm. Hobson's choice.
