Galaxy Zoo Talk


  • akanshagirl by akanshagirl

    Hey I am just new here. No idea how to operate this site. I wish to participate in projects. Can anyone help?


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Hi, there is a help box to click on the classify page. Blogs will try to help too, you can find them here (I can't find a quick link to them from the main site!!) And if you still have probs, then post back here. You can always try to use #question it should help people find your question more easily.

    Hope this helps.


  • Zonix by Zonix

    I personally have been interested in the universe for a while, so I have knowledge of the cos mos. I am new at this site too i have been getting on here or there on since Friday. If an object looks at all blurry it is an galaxy and not a star. You can try looking up info and pictures of galaxies on google to get a better idea on classifying. As actual projects, I am only familiar in classifying, blogging, collecting photos on here, galaxy writer, and questionnaires that may pop up on occasion. Oh and one other thing, Friday I had to upload Mozilla Firefox to be able to classify galaxies. (there as other browser options besides Firefox)Good Luck!


  • quet by quet

    There is the word 'help' in the top right hand corner of the page where you classify galaxies,, it gives you a basic outline of how they suggest you to catergorize them, good luck and have fun 😃


  • kyessamoon by kyessamoon

    Hi,I am new here and i'm 13.I love astronomy so I thought this would be pretty cool.Can anyone help or give me some advice on what to do.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Just answer the questions as well as you can and you are contributing to science. If there are other questions, just post them here and we will try and answer them. Have fun !
