Galaxy Zoo Talk

Galaxy Zoo LIVE Online Hangouts!

  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    The Galaxy Zoo science team is so spread out that we only rarely have the opportunity to hang out, even though we have a great time -- and talk great science -- when we actually do chat. So we've recently started having regular online hangouts, during which we talk mostly science with a bit of random banter (and often a lot of laughter) thrown in. We currently use Google Plus to do this, which means that we also live-broadcast the hangouts from G+ and from the Galaxy Zoo blog. We try to balance our time between answering questions from volunteers (often also posted to Facebook and/or Twitter) and discussing the latest science results from Galaxy Zoo and beyond.

    After the hangout is over, we keep it on YouTube so that anyone can watch it later, and we also extract the audio and release that as a podcast. For the most updated information you can always check the blog, but from now on I'll be updating this post with the date of the next Hangout too, so you can watch us live (and use the Jargon Gong on us)!

    In the meantime, here's the link to our most recent Hangout, and here's the link to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Feedburner. Hope to "see" you there sometime!



  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    The next hangout is on Wednesday, April 10th, at 8 pm GMT. We'll embed the video feed on the blog shortly before we start, so that's probably the best place to check -- and also please feel free to write questions/comments here or there!


    Update: you can view the video and read a summary of the hangout on the GZ Blog: Two Atoms Populate on a Dust Grain


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Hi all,

    You can read the summary of our latest hangout here: Oh, Sweet Spiral Of Mine
    With lots of pretty pictures!


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Hi all,

    Next hangout is this Thursday, 6/6, at 3 pm GMT. More info on the blog!

    Update: summary post here.



  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Update: there's a Zooniverse-wide live hangout going on tomorrow from the Adler Planetarium, where scientists and developers have gathered from across the Zooniverse to work on new tools to help do more science!

    More info here:


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Update: we've had another hangout -- this time on the new GZ Quench project!


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    We're going to have a hangout from Sydney in around about 30 minutes. Sorry for the short notice - didn't want to promise it until we were sure we could. You can watch via the Galaxy Zoo Google+ site, link should appear soon:
