Galaxy Zoo Talk

Curious Pattern in Longo's 2011 Net Handedness Asymmetries (in SDSS Galaxies)

  • JeanTate by JeanTate


    In a paper published in 2011, Michael Longo reported the possible discovery of a cosmic dipole in the distribution of the apparent handedness of nearby spiral galaxies. I compared the handedness classifications that paper uses with those published by the Galaxy Zoo, and found a couple of curious patterns. These patterns likely point to a much more local origin of the apparent dipole.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    1. Introduction

    Longo (2011) (L11) reported the results of an interesting experiment, with intriguing implications: by arranging for the 'handedness' of a well-defined selection of SDSS spiral galaxies to be assessed in a way that almost certainly guarantees freedom from 'mirror bias', they produced a list containing the estimated handedness of ~200,000 of z ‹ 0.085 SDSS spiral galaxies, in ternary, "L", "R", or "U". From this list they concluded that there is a global pattern to the distribution of spiral galaxy handedness, a dipole.

    As a zooite, fairly new to the Galaxy Zoo, I was intrigued by this finding, and spent quite some time investigating it in some detail (see Tate 2011). I found that the L11 data contains some curious patterns of its own, when analyzed with reference to the first Galaxy Zoo Data Release (Lintott et al. 2011). This Discussion reports on two of those patterns.

    The rest of this Discussion is structured as follows: In Section 2, I briefly describe the L11 experiment, analyses, and key findings; in Section 3, the Zooniverse project, Galaxy Zoo, and how I extracted the relevant data from DR1; Section 4 describes the curious patterns I found; Section 5 is a discussion of these curious patterns; and Section 6 is the usual Conclusion.

    As this version of Talk does not permit display of the 'greater than' and 'less than' characters - it seems to treat them as part of an HTML tag, whether enclosed in 'code' or not - I have replaced them with › and ‹ respectively.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    1. The L11 Study

    The universe from which Longo (2011) (hereafter L11) selected galaxies for their study is SDSS Data Release 6 (the SDSS Collaboration 2008); specifically those with:

    • spectroscopic redshifts, z ‹ 0.085

    • colors bluer than 2.85 as measured in the SDSS u' and r' bands, i.e. (u'-r') ‹ 2.85

    • g'-band magnitudes ‹ 17.0 (for z ‹ 0.04) or ‹ 17.4 (for 0.04 ‹ z ‹ 0.85)

    • colors redder than 1.6 in the u' and z' bands, i.e. (u'-z') › 1.6

    • colors bluer than 3.5 in the u' and z' bands, i.e. (u'-z') ‹ 3.5.

    Each galaxy was eyeballed once only, by one of five scanners. Each scanner had only three choices, for each galaxy,"L" (Left ≡ ↻), "R" (Right ≡ ↺), and "U" (for uncertain). L11 uses the term "handedness" for the appearance of a spiral galaxy to be winding in one (circular) direction or the other. In this experiment, scanners were presented with either direct or mirrored images; the mirroring was done in such a way as to leave no hint of which image was direct and which mirrored. And mirroring was done at random.

    A total of 15,158 galaxies were coded as either "R" or "L".

    I obtained a copy of this list ("A file with the spin assignments, coordinates, and magnitudes is available as supplementary material" - L11), coded with the SDSS DR6 Photo ObjId as the galaxy identifier, from zookeeperChris (Tate 2011).

    L11 characterizes handedness asymmetry as 〈A〉≡(R-L)/(R+L), and defines the variance (σ2) of the handedness asymmetry as σ = 1/√(R+L).

    Figure 2 in L11 displays the net asymmetries in right ascension (RA) and redshift (z) bins, in the form of a polar plot. In Table 1 I present the data in that Figure, compressed to just the RA bins ("sectors"); each bin has an RA range of 30°. [1]

     RA bin     〈A〉    σ     N
         0-30°  0.0070 0.041  568
        30-60°  0.040  0.055  325
        60-90°  0.50   0.44     4
       90-120°  0.074  0.051  374
      120-150°  0.0091 0.019 2513
      160-180° -0.043  0.016 3512
      180-210° -0.059  0.017 3202
      210-240° -0.024  0.018 2799
      240-270° -0.010  0.028 1243
      300-330°  0.040  0.066  225
      330-360°  0.068  0.050  393

    Table 1. Net asymmetries in L11, as a function of right ascension

    Figure 1 is a plot of the data in Table 1. The red line is the net asymmetry of the full L11 sample, the 'global' asymmetry (-0.024), with 1σ error bars (0.008). Note that there are no galaxies in the 270-300° RA bin, and I have omitted the net asymmetry for the 60-90° RA bin as there are only four galaxies in this bin.

    Figure 1. Net asymmetries in L11, as a function of right ascension

    [1] There is a typo on L11's Figure 2; the total for the 180°-210° bin is given as 3302


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    1. The Galaxy Zoo Data

    In the Galaxy Zoo (GZ) project, ~100,000 citizen scientists ('zooites') classified the morphology of almost 900,000 SDSS DR6 objects. Each object was given just a single classification by each zooite who viewed it, and the classification choices were fixed (how the Galaxy Zoo project worked is described in Lintott et al. 2008). Two of the choices were "Clock", corresponding to L11's "R", and "Anti", corresponding to "L" in L11. In GZ, zooites' classifications are called "votes". Each of the objects was classified multiple times, independently, with a mean of ~38 classifications per galaxy.

    The database of GZ classifications was published in 2011, as Galaxy Zoo 1 Data Release (DR1; Lintott et al. 2011), and can downloaded from this URL.

    I downloaded DR1, and extracted the number of votes for "Clock" (coded in DR1 as "CW") and for "Anti" (coded in DR1 as "ACW") for each of the 15,158 galaxies in the L11 list, from Table 2 (14902 galaxies) and Table 3 (254 galaxies). [2]

    The global net asymmetry using GZ DR1 data, per the L11 definition, is〈A〉 -0.031 ± 0.008.

    Table 2 is a comparison of the two sets of classifications; "equal" are galaxies for which the number of zooite CW votes is equal to the number of ACW votes (excluding "zero"); "zero" galaxies are those for which the number of CW votes equals the number of ACW votes, and that number is zero. Note that a galaxy is classified as "CW" if the number of zooite votes for CW is greater than the number of votes for ACW (and vice versa, for "ACW"), even if the difference is just one vote.

      L11   CW    ACW  equal zero total
       R   7252   105    20   13   7390
       L     61  7670    21   14   7766
     total 7313  7775    41   27  15156

    Table 2. Galaxy Zoo vs. L11 classifications (see text for details)

    There are 234 galaxies where the two classifications differ, 'discordant classifications'; their distribution by RA is the same as that of the 14922 'concordant classification' galaxies (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P=0.99), as is the distribution of the three biggest 'discordant' subsets: R/ACW (P=0.82), L/CW (P=0.79), and the combined "equal" and "zero" (P=0.45).

    A more detailed examination of these 234 galaxies is beyond the scope of this Discussion, as is a study of 'false negatives' in L11 (i.e. spiral galaxies which the scanners rated "U" but which zooites voted "CW" or "ACW", by a wide margin). Appendix A contains a list of these 234 galaxies, including the distribution of zooite votes across all GZ choices.

    It should be noted that Land et al. (2008) studied zooites' handedness classification bias; 'spin' in that work has the same meaning as 'handedness' in L11. However, as there are so few discordant classifications, comparing L11 with GZ DR1, exploration of how this bias may be removed - or at least accounted for - in the zooites' classifications will be left for a future Discussion.

    [2] Two of the 15,158 do not appear in GZ DR1, ObjId 587727780279549993, and 587730845816521009. Zooite waveney confirmed that these are not among the objects in GZ. There was a GZ 'mirror' study; its results are in DR1 Table 5.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    1. The Curious Patterns

    The most obvious curious pattern is, assuming the L11 data is completely free of 'mirror bias', that there is no 'mirror bias' in the GZ classifications, despite the fact that all the images zooites classified were direct (i.e. zootes were not presented with any mirror images), but only ~half the images the L11 scanners classified were direct (the rest were mirrored).

    The two estimates of global net handedness asymmetry - i.e. for the universe of the 15,156 galaxies - are the same, to within ‹ 1σ:

    GZ 〈A〉 -0.031 ± 0.008

    L11 〈A〉 -0.025 ± 0.008 [3]

    As the two estimates of handedness, for each galaxy, are the same in the two classification studies (except for the 'discordant' subset, comprising 1.5% of the total), and as details of the zooites' votes are provided in GZ DR1, I have done some analyses on the galaxies' handednesses, by examining the distribution of zooite votes for each galaxy (but keeping the L11 handedness classification as the 'true' one).

    I divided the 15,156 galaxies into three groups, which I call GOLD, SILVER, and DREGS.

    The DREGS group contains galaxies for which the combined "CW" and "ACW" votes, for each galaxy, are less than 50% of the total votes for that galaxy; there are 1,734 such galaxies. The "equal" and "zero" subsets are both in DREGS [4], as are 73 of the R/ACW (70% of all such) and 42 of the L/CW ones (69%).

    The split between GOLD and SILVER among the 13,422 non-DREGS is the dominance the zooites' "handedness" votes, for either CW or ACW: in the GOLD group〈A〉 › 0.95, or ‹ -0.95; i.e. zooites overwhelmingly voted each galaxy as either CW or as ACW (N=9245). The SILVER group contains the non-GOLD/non-DREGS galaxies (N = 4177). Just 14 (13%) of the R/ACW discordant classifications are in GOLD, and just 7 (11%) of the L/CW ones.

    The distribution of net handedness asymmetry of each of these three groups, by RA, is shown in Figure 2. Note that the net 〈A〉values for each group, in each bin, are calculated using the L11 classifications, not the GZ ones. Note also that there are no galaxies in the 270-300° RA bin, and I have omitted the net asymmetry for the 60-90° RA bin as there are only four galaxies in this bin.

    Figure 2. RA distribution of net handedness asymmetry for the GOLD (gold colored), SILVER (grey), and DREGS (blue) groups (error bars for DREGS omitted). The group means are displayed as lines colored the same as their group's (DREGS omitted). The red line is the L11 global net asymmetry (see above)

    The most obvious pattern in Figure 2 is the difference in the global (group) net handedness asymmetry of the three groups, as shown in Table 3.

     group    N       〈A〉     reduced chi^2
     GOLD   9245 -0.098±0.010   1.22±0.47
     SILVER 4177 +0.110±0.016   2.62±0.47
     DREGS  1734 +0.040±0.024   0.80±0.47

    Table 3. Net asymmetry 〈A〉of the three groups, together with the number of group members (N), and the reduced chi2 statistic

    A somewhat less obvious pattern is that the RA distributions of the GOLD and DREGS are each consistent with a constant, the respective group mean, while that of SILVER is not, as shown by the reduced chi2 test (9 dof): the reduced chi2 statistic is within 2σ of 1 for GOLD and DREGS, but not for SILVER.

    As you would expect, the distribution of the discordant classifications, by GOLD/SILVER/DREGS group, is highly inconsistent with the distribution of galaxies over the three groups: the more difficult it was for zooites to make an unambiguous classification, the more likely it is that the GZ/L11 classifications will be discordant (chi2 statistic 1023.5, 2 dof, p-value ‹‹0.001).

    Net handedness asymmetry does not vary with RA bins for galaxies whose classifications are certain, where 'certainty' is derived from zooites' DR1 voting distributions. Nor does it vary for galaxies whose classifications are very uncertain. It does, however, vary for galaxies whose classifications are somewhat uncertain.

    The degree of certainty, in classifying a galaxy's handedness, seems to be the key factor in net handedness asymmetry.

    This pattern is most curious.

    [3] Earlier, in Section 2, I gave this value as -0.024. Why the difference? The -0.024 value is derived from the binned data in L11's Fig. 2 (and for a total of 15,158 objects); the -0.025 comes from a direct calculation done using all 15,156 data points.

    [4] While it is possible for the voting to be 25% CW and 25% ACW, and thus such an "equal" galaxy would not be in DREGS, there are no such galaxies among the 15,156. The highest combined vote, among the "equal" subset, is 46%.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    1. Discussion

    Table 3 in Land et al. (2008) is similar to this Discussion's Table 2. In commenting on the equivalent of this Discussion's Table 2 R/ACW and L/CW cells, Land et al. write:

    We see very good agreement between our classifications, and the 10
    cases where the handedness classifications contradict each other we
    have double checked the SDSS images and find the disagreement can be
    put down to misclassification in L07a - a demonstration of the
    usefulness of multiple classifications per galaxy.

    In this Discussion, I have shown that having the details of those "multiple classifications" enables an analysis which reveals two most curious patterns.

    At one level, the apparent disappearance of a dipole in the distribution of net galaxy handedness asymmetries in the L11 data (due to an apparent, and previously unknown, classification bias) is interesting enough: the net handedness asymmetry seems to arise from something far more local than a universal preference for one handedness direction over another.

    At another level, the curious pattern is quite disturbing: if randomly mirroring galaxy images, to eliminate 'mirror bias', does not make any detectable difference, no matter how difficult it is to classify the handedness of a galaxy, what is the nature of this 'mirror bias'?

    Then there's the question of why the net handedness asymmetry is negative - L, or ACW, is more frequent than R/CW - for galaxies for which there is near unanimity in classification, but becomes positive - R/CW more frequent than L/ACW - when the galaxies are harder to classify. It is very easy to come up with a long list of possible causes: smaller (on the sky) galaxies are harder to classify and mirror bias is real (but subtle); neighboring (on the sky) galaxies confuse classifiers and this confusion causes a subtle mirror bias; dust lanes in spirals with sufficiently high inclinations make classification more difficult and this is where mirror bias most strongly manifests itself; the galaxies most easily classified are closer and closer galaxies truly do have a net L/ACW handedness; and so on.

    The curious patterns described in this Discussion also have implications for automated ('machine') classification systems/software. For example, can such automated systems reproduce these patterns, in detail? Can they, for example, show no 'mirror bias' when the images to be classified are mirrored at random (when compared with a classification exercise with no mirroring)? Can they reliably produce a net L/ACW handedness asymmetry for galaxies which are easy to classify (for handedness), but a net R/CW one for galaxies which are harder to classify?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    1. Conclusion

    I report the discovery of some curious patterns in the distribution of net handedness asymmetries in the L11 classification data, when analyzed using Galaxy Zoo (GZ) classifications. The cleanest classifications have no statistically significant variation with right ascension; ditto the least clean. The dipole distribution reported in L11 seems to be an artifact of the classifications themselves. Further, there is no apparent 'mirror bias' in the GZ classifications; at the level of the galaxies themselves, the two sets of classifications are almost exactly the same, with discrepancies depending on ease of classification. As the handedness of spiral galaxies becomes more difficult to ascertain, the apparent net asymmetry in handedness changes from anti-clockwise/left to clockwise/right; this is a most curious pattern.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.


    First and foremost, without the inspired and talented Zooniverse team, this Discussion would not exist; many thanks.

    Thanks too to zookeeperChris for his GZ forum posts on L11, which led to him sending me a copy of the L11 file.

    Then to zooite gumbosea, who has helped me a great deal over the past few years with matters technical; in particular it was gumbosea who worked out, and taught me, a simple means of creating tables and copying them into Letters so they display as intended.

    The data in this paper is the result of the clicks of zooites, without whom none of this work would have been possible.


    Lintott, C. et al., 2008, MNRAS, 389, 1179

    Lintott, C. et al., 2011, MNRAS, 410, 166-178

    Longo, M., 2011, Physics Letters B, Volume 699, Issue 4, p. 224-229. I have based this Discussion on the arxiv preprint, arXiv:1104.2815

    the SDSS Collaboration, 2008, ApJS, 175, 297; a.k.a. J. Adelman-McCarthy, et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 175 (2008) 297

    Tate, J., 2011, Galaxy Zoo forum, Object of the Day section, "Wednesday, 13th July, 2011: What do you think of this?"


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Appendix A

    This Appendix contains six pairs of Tables, with details of the 234 'discordantly classified' galaxies.

    The first Table in each pair gives the SDSS DR7 ObjectID in the first column, headed "GALAXYNAME" (this is how this field is labelled in the L11 file); followed by the right ascension (RA) and declination (Dec), taken from L11; and lastly the redshift, z (also from L11).

    The second Table in each pair also has GALAXYNAME as its first column. The second column - headed "L11" - is the handedness classification from the L11 file, either R or L. The remaining columns are from GZ DR1. The CW, ACW, EDGE, EL, MG, and DK columns are the same as those in Tables 2 and 3 (the DR1 data column names include "P_" as a prefix; I stipped this prefix off), and are the fraction of votes for Elliptical (EL), ClockWise spirals (CW), AntiClockWise spirals (ACW), Edge-on spirals (EDGE), Don’t Know (DK), and Merger (MG). Nv is the DR1 column NVOTE, the total number of votes for each object. The last column - T - is the DR1 Table from which the GZ data was taken. Note that the Table 3 label text, both in Lintott et al. 2011 and on the download webpage, is in error; while many objects in Table 3 do not have SDSS DR7 spectra, many others do (refer to the text of Lintott et al. 2011 for details).

         GALAXYNAME       RA        Dec      z
      587731187278741704   2.52301   0.6735  0.063
      587727226764984497   2.62583  -9.7594  0.076
      588290882176811103   6.38974  16.08991 0.061
      587727177915564101   6.87717 -11.11337 0.077
      587731186745147515   9.91223   0.22984 0.077
      587727177923887115  26.20206 -10.45746 0.043
      587731513687539846  37.08691   0.68725 0.041
      587731512079220798  42.42038  -0.52334 0.022
      587738195036471400 112.99086  42.84132 0.073
      587732053772927477 118.40886  27.25031 0.057
      587728906639442006 122.08451  39.02363 0.022
      587732053238153469 122.59829  30.25428 0.075
      587731886811185354 126.60757  39.61011 0.041
      587732053777580066 127.22636  34.65166 0.021
      587732470924312748 128.57971  33.60835 0.052
      587731679579668769 129.29768  38.18908 0.057
      587741420563726507 129.80876  19.48201 0.037
      587725469596123223 131.49867  51.51315 0.056
      588010360138891521 131.65683   3.70552 0.076
      587732484343791657 134.02472  37.7964  0.043
      587731681732001992 139.58934  46.39124 0.056
      587725818015777029 142.07994  61.02319 0.075
      588848899896639710 143.43806  -0.20191 0.077
      587738947743055899 144.3792   32.84141 0.015
      587732703396954275 146.77359   6.6144  0.061
      587735347486785676 150.7072   11.72863 0.024
      587732484350804039 152.72659  45.95037 0.024
      587739377779802122 152.78555  31.34584 0.072
      587734949129158764 153.26155  10.83678 0.077
      587738947746660468 153.62798  35.84214 0.035
      588017978882523318 154.78084  36.07203 0.077
      587741817322340523 157.12766  22.88299 0.042
      587738946138341408 160.28654  36.37282 0.044
      588848899906142283 165.15009  -0.01244 0.038
      587732703405408288 166.21977   7.81299 0.057
      587732772659331199 166.74699  10.48569 0.064
      587738948288708675 167.94635  39.53897 0.074
      587738615951196200 168.00575  35.47704 0.025
      588009371224768719 168.95604  61.17323 0.057
      588017721176686770 168.95825  41.40974 0.073
      587739294552555759 170.25945  33.5333  0.043
      587722984420475021 171.03149   0.97187 0.074
      587731890039357679 172.15468  56.41115 0.074
      588013381668175896 176.78711  50.99973 0.053
      588013384352923774 178.03922  53.31672 0.056
      588010877686907019 183.53922   3.92804 0.077
      588010358551085267 184.02672   4.49285 0.077
      588010878761107673 184.54836   4.64453 0.007
      587738568703410265 184.79546  14.53676 0.041
      587739099137704000 186.93283  38.57745 0.036
      588017625623167096 199.64171  43.2283  0.076
      587739708477866103 201.24837  29.84208 0.062
      587739504476422232 202.18851  30.34043 0.061
      588017569779417177 202.30684  11.27582 0.022
      587739407862726696 203.88016  34.15213 0.024
      588017947747811427 204.16046  40.25802 0.062
      587726033333059712 204.63234   2.91291 0.078
      587732484365942927 204.79724  49.09741 0.063
      587738573535576369 205.52969  38.13844 0.085
      587725818027835576 206.0836   66.49501 0.077
      587739719221575792 206.18779  27.13737 0.037
      588017626699006170 206.408    43.14374 0.061
      587738570324312295 209.0918   14.56999 0.077
      587725819102429304 211.37416  66.48688 0.078
      587736941443678302 211.54442  36.77166 0.063
      588017712586227916 211.55278  49.40578 0.081
      588017704554660103 211.76085  11.95356 0.062
      588848899926720594 212.13171  -0.12704 0.025
      588018054575751290 213.20413  48.01188 0.053
      587739458296152226 214.19472  28.912   0.043
      587726100410990777 216.58217   3.491   0.074
      587739720299512029 216.84502  25.70513 0.076
      587729971250266395 217.75266  -2.02563 0.053
      587733429769863360 218.75085  56.22318 0.043
      587736808843444333 219.36761  12.67128 0.063
      587736914606096566 222.56157  11.09903 0.053
      587735665846648947 225.19214  49.99366 0.014
      588017605772509327 227.85239  37.09182 0.056
      587733604796858610 229.29663  51.58596 0.076
      588017978909524009 230.18011  30.68962 0.077
      588017978372849840 230.41666  30.09932 0.074
      587733398640001164 230.43274  45.21685 0.062
      587735743687360765 235.0058   35.30179 0.058
      587736477598875981 235.22653   7.73243 0.062
      588007004726231197 236.56111  53.05491 0.042
      587736976885481773 237.34697  25.62756 0.053
      588018091079499878 237.72804  34.08319 0.053
      587733441049133235 239.45146  42.01191 0.061
      587736942528692330 239.68208  26.81815 0.014
      588017979450589251 239.987    26.40785 0.077
      587733605337989376 240.56442  45.33383 0.042
      587729227152752660 240.9353   52.40348 0.043
      587733608551284849 241.96913  42.91444 0.078
      588018253759316197 242.54138  35.09446 0.054
      587733608552464551 244.39931  40.88122 0.063
      587739707959345319 244.84378  16.44063 0.034
      587736619863900575 245.41826  24.85576 0.061
      587729752743018606 248.50748  41.34792 0.028
      587736919436689877 249.22252  22.93929 0.031
      588007004195586387 249.59044  41.78467 0.076
      587725992501051618 250.16289  43.70092 0.077
      587725502873010295 255.49301  59.25721 0.077
      587729782809625025 256.49234  35.78257 0.063
      587727212274188580 323.67441  -8.72799 0.078
      587727220874084585 354.00082  13.79698 0.041
          GALAXYNAME     L11 CW    ACW   EDGE  EL    MG    DK    Nv T
      587731187278741704  R  0.019 0.463 0.278 0.204 0     0.037 54 2
      587727226764984497  R  0     0.062 0.188 0.688 0     0.062 32 2
      588290882176811103  R  0     0.022 0.696 0.13  0.13  0.022 46 2
      587727177915564101  R  0.1   0.2   0.233 0.433 0     0.033 30 2
      587731186745147515  R  0.086 0.2   0.314 0.4   0     0     35 2
      587727177923887115  R  0.058 0.096 0.019 0     0.788 0.038 52 2
      587731513687539846  R  0.312 0.5   0.156 0.031 0     0     32 2
      587731512079220798  R  0.131 0.738 0.082 0.033 0.016 0     61 2
      587738195036471400  R  0.043 0.391 0.522 0     0     0.043 23 2
      587732053772927477  R  0.097 0.129 0.29  0.355 0.032 0.097 31 2
      587728906639442006  R  0     0.033 0.4   0.567 0     0     30 2
      587732053238153469  R  0     0.138 0.345 0.345 0.103 0.069 29 2
      587731886811185354  R  0.037 0.481 0.481 0     0     0     27 2
      587732053777580066  R  0.033 0.1   0     0     0.867 0     30 2
      587732470924312748  R  0     0.824 0.059 0.118 0     0     17 2
      587731679579668769  R  0     0.028 0.222 0.444 0.306 0     36 2
      587741420563726507  R  0.02  0.98  0     0     0     0     50 2
      587725469596123223  R  0.039 0.059 0.804 0.098 0     0     51 2
      588010360138891521  R  0.083 0.25  0.333 0.267 0.017 0.05  60 2
      587732484343791657  R  0.19  0.333 0.381 0.095 0     0     21 2
      587731681732001992  R  0.049 0.171 0.463 0.293 0     0.024 41 2
      587725818015777029  R  0.062 0.125 0.625 0.031 0.125 0.031 32 2
      588848899896639710  R  0     0.086 0.343 0.486 0     0.086 35 2
      587738947743055899  R  0.053 0.947 0     0     0     0     19 2
      587732703396954275  R  0.061 0.449 0.245 0.224 0     0.02  49 2
      587735347486785676  R  0.041 0.429 0.49  0.02  0     0.02  49 2
      587732484350804039  R  0     1     0     0     0     0     35 2
      587739377779802122  R  0.031 0.219 0.094 0.594 0.031 0.031 32 2
      587734949129158764  R  0.025 0.175 0.325 0.425 0     0.05  40 2
      587738947746660468  R  0     0.875 0.062 0.031 0     0.031 32 2
      588017978882523318  R  0.159 0.174 0.435 0.232 0     0     69 2
      587741817322340523  R  0.063 0.079 0.159 0.698 0     0     63 2
      587738946138341408  R  0.375 0.429 0.107 0     0.089 0     56 2
      588848899906142283  R  0.102 0.322 0.339 0.186 0.051 0     59 2
      587732703405408288  R  0     0.019 0.635 0.25  0.019 0.077 52 2
      587732772659331199  R  0     0.077 0.179 0.641 0     0.103 39 2
      587738948288708675  R  0.017 0.276 0.086 0.586 0.034 0     58 2
      587738615951196200  R  0     0.016 0.097 0.855 0     0.032 62 2
      588009371224768719  R  0     0.857 0.071 0.071 0     0     28 2
      588017721176686770  R  0.04  0.52  0.32  0.12  0     0     25 2
      587739294552555759  R  0.022 0.867 0.022 0.089 0     0     45 2
      587722984420475021  R  0.109 0.473 0.236 0.182 0     0     55 2
      587731890039357679  R  0     0.05  0.75  0.2   0     0     20 2
      588013381668175896  R  0.062 0.625 0.156 0.156 0     0     32 2
      588013384352923774  R  0.023 0.953 0     0.023 0     0     43 2
      588010877686907019  R  0.113 0.226 0.387 0.242 0     0.032 62 2
      588010358551085267  R  0.019 0.566 0.226 0.151 0     0.038 53 2
      588010878761107673  R  0.031 0.094 0.5   0.219 0.031 0.125 32 3
      587738568703410265  R  0.036 0.964 0     0     0     0     28 2
      587739099137704000  R  0.156 0.594 0.125 0.062 0.031 0.031 32 2
      588017625623167096  R  0     0.138 0.276 0.207 0.207 0.172 29 2
      587739708477866103  R  0.048 0.095 0.238 0.571 0     0.048 21 2
      587739504476422232  R  0     0.241 0.241 0.517 0     0     29 2
      588017569779417177  R  0.089 0.111 0.444 0.333 0.022 0     45 2
      587739407862726696  R  0.184 0.265 0.347 0.163 0     0.041 49 2
      588017947747811427  R  0.083 0.117 0.617 0.117 0.033 0.033 60 2
      587726033333059712  R  0.116 0.304 0.217 0.362 0     0     69 2
      587732484365942927  R  0.103 0.207 0.379 0.31  0     0     29 2
      587738573535576369  R  0.143 0.339 0.321 0.161 0     0.036 56 2
      587725818027835576  R  0     0.071 0.179 0.679 0     0.071 28 2
      587739719221575792  R  0.038 0.962 0     0     0     0     26 2
      588017626699006170  R  0.044 0.089 0.867 0     0     0     45 2
      587738570324312295  R  0     0.037 0.926 0.037 0     0     27 2
      587725819102429304  R  0.074 0.148 0.593 0.148 0.037 0     27 2
      587736941443678302  R  0.115 0.212 0.288 0.327 0     0.058 52 2
      588017712586227916  R  0.2   0.233 0.467 0.033 0.033 0.033 30 2
      588017704554660103  R  0     0.676 0.294 0.029 0     0     34 2
      588848899926720594  R  0     0.875 0     0.094 0.031 0     32 2
      588018054575751290  R  0.033 0.9   0.033 0.033 0     0     30 2
      587739458296152226  R  0     0.344 0.5   0.156 0     0     32 2
      587726100410990777  R  0.241 0.31  0.207 0.241 0     0     29 2
      587739720299512029  R  0.052 0.086 0.224 0.552 0     0.086 58 2
      587729971250266395  R  0.097 0.226 0.226 0.452 0     0     31 2
      587733429769863360  R  0     0.043 0.029 0.797 0.014 0.116 69 2
      587736808843444333  R  0.025 0.05  0.225 0.7   0     0     40 2
      587736914606096566  R  0.097 0.29  0.129 0.419 0     0.065 31 2
      587735665846648947  R  0     0.972 0     0     0.028 0     36 2
      588017605772509327  R  0.083 0.222 0.25  0.389 0     0.056 36 2
      587733604796858610  R  0     0.028 0.722 0.25  0     0     36 2
      588017978909524009  R  0.047 0.344 0.281 0.188 0.078 0.062 64 2
      588017978372849840  R  0.039 0.059 0.451 0.451 0     0     51 2
      587733398640001164  R  0     0.042 0.083 0.833 0     0.042 24 2
      587735743687360765  R  0.147 0.529 0.235 0.088 0     0     34 2
      587736477598875981  R  0.054 0.541 0.243 0.108 0.027 0.027 37 2
      588007004726231197  R  0     0.56  0.16  0.12  0.16  0     25 2
      587736976885481773  R  0.154 0.436 0.256 0.154 0     0     39 2
      588018091079499878  R  0.03  0.667 0.212 0.03  0.061 0     33 2
      587733441049133235  R  0     0.059 0.735 0.206 0     0     34 2
      587736942528692330  R  0.019 0.037 0.278 0.63  0     0.037 54 2
      588017979450589251  R  0     0.057 0.057 0.857 0     0.029 35 2
      587733605337989376  R  0.031 0.062 0.531 0.375 0     0     32 2
      587729227152752660  R  0     0.029 0.059 0.824 0     0.088 34 2
      587733608551284849  R  0.038 0.731 0.038 0.154 0     0.038 26 2
      588018253759316197  R  0     0.964 0.036 0     0     0     56 2
      587733608552464551  R  0.018 0.088 0.228 0.667 0     0     57 2
      587739707959345319  R  0.105 0.158 0.289 0.395 0     0.053 38 2
      587736619863900575  R  0.147 0.176 0.529 0.147 0     0     34 2
      587729752743018606  R  0     0.857 0.071 0     0.071 0     28 2
      587736919436689877  R  0.027 0.595 0.108 0.189 0     0.081 37 2
      588007004195586387  R  0.088 0.294 0.5   0.118 0     0     34 2
      587725992501051618  R  0.034 0.138 0.379 0.448 0     0     29 2
      587725502873010295  R  0     0.032 0.484 0.484 0     0     31 2
      587729782809625025  R  0.031 0.469 0.375 0.125 0     0     32 2
      587727212274188580  R  0     0.833 0.083 0.042 0.042 0     24 2
      587727220874084585  R  0.212 0.462 0.212 0.115 0     0     52 2

    Table A1. Galaxies classified as R in L11 and net ACW in GZ, i.e. P_ACW › P_CW


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    587730773354217594 5.42858 14.21426 0.042
    587727178991730776 12.56199 -10.1933 0.056
    587727226769506368 12.98512 -9.55281 0.077
    587731514215039241 15.7419 1.12192 0.079
    587724198280822920 22.38159 14.06272 0.062
    587724241232003275 54.08888 -6.71477 0.010
    587739115770216827 116.75723 16.50517 0.016
    587731886269202658 117.54392 30.68509 0.015
    588013383257882672 119.60724 28.70365 0.014
    587727866182762657 121.04136 39.76868 0.041
    587728669879762966 122.70074 42.34457 0.062
    587732578831040932 124.28564 4.14343 0.075
    588023047475888291 133.84779 18.58246 0.076
    587728880331784363 134.60922 3.39406 0.024
    587725469598285989 137.33099 54.91196 0.008
    587741707795824842 142.53819 20.09085 0.015
    587731522284552321 146.10092 48.53194 0.077
    587725469600972985 146.19563 58.79747 0.041
    588016892783165556 147.09348 36.77082 0.023
    587739114173300888 147.37224 30.50675 0.054
    587732153106825307 147.73923 43.68659 0.073
    588848900973527143 150.49509 0.71525 0.063
    587742014881398790 152.66637 20.07018 0.013
    587732578306752636 152.95963 6.46206 0.076
    587725551206924339 154.80235 63.96741 0.041
    587726031701344331 156.4379 1.43702 0.034
    587732582590709895 159.07222 57.61171 0.073
    587732583665827918 164.21446 59.53514 0.057
    587728879271149692 164.62575 4.01012 0.056
    587732701258252388 167.03792 6.21867 0.044
    587726033854201961 168.61594 3.36313 0.076
    587739648893845580 170.51053 32.79979 0.043
    587741709955235963 171.25307 27.52525 0.024
    587731891651412074 177.87726 58.07281 0.042
    587739406779941067 178.81671 34.52537 0.063
    587731870171922577 183.89322 55.79909 0.063
    587738950950977666 186.33801 36.85303 0.074
    587739504470458507 186.46503 31.4847 0.062
    587732771598696580 197.08765 9.92029 0.053
    587735666375983268 198.37224 57.10796 0.077
    587738950418432147 198.66373 35.50559 0.077
    587741722288586815 199.28911 27.07807 0.035
    587739506085855375 199.42897 32.02661 0.077
    587729386083123405 201.70828 58.10979 0.053
    587732590109589672 202.6321 58.34238 0.060
    587738951494140065 204.22594 35.61334 0.061
    587738568175648809 206.10292 13.17537 0.041
    588011218062016707 206.81514 60.36509 0.074
    587738574610104357 207.90997 38.55201 0.061
    587733412059807861 224.28905 48.63398 0.035
    587733398102933517 229.41379 45.19533 0.062
    588018091614011411 232.56693 37.56282 0.077
    588011101568368743 234.47444 50.70353 0.077
    587739381534228721 241.06207 21.76399 0.014
    587729407537905991 241.78796 48.35104 0.076
    587739811572810183 242.30611 16.44497 0.043
    587733397572354281 243.68309 35.5835 0.063
    588018090011066410 248.09291 25.9269 0.043
    587729652887453910 252.1595 36.66343 0.063
    587727213341507747 309.14996 -5.97349 0.037
    587727221396472319 320.24564 10.27543 0.077

          GALAXYNAME     L11 CW    ACW   EDGE  EL    MG    DK    Nv T
      587730773354217594  L  0.193 0.105 0.298 0.298 0.018 0.088 57 2
      587727178991730776  L  0.033 0     0.933 0.033 0     0     30 2
      587727226769506368  L  0.346 0.231 0.231 0.115 0.038 0.038 26 2
      587731514215039241  L  0.862 0.069 0.034 0.034 0     0     29 2
      587724198280822920  L  0.591 0.045 0.091 0.273 0     0     22 2
      587724241232003275  L  0.138 0.034 0.345 0.069 0.069 0.345 29 2
      587739115770216827  L  0.484 0.032 0.29  0.097 0.032 0.065 31 2
      587731886269202658  L  0.862 0.034 0     0     0.069 0.034 29 2
      588013383257882672  L  0.492 0.016 0.159 0.317 0     0.016 63 2
      587727866182762657  L  0.265 0     0.206 0.5   0.029 0     34 2
      587728669879762966  L  0.062 0.031 0.062 0.844 0     0     32 2
      587732578831040932  L  0.276 0.026 0.276 0.263 0.118 0.039 76 2
      588023047475888291  L  0.016 0     0.746 0.159 0.016 0.063 63 2
      587728880331784363  L  0.029 0     0.176 0.676 0.029 0.088 34 2
      587725469598285989  L  0.867 0     0.133 0     0     0     30 3
      587741707795824842  L  0.196 0.036 0.768 0     0     0     56 2
      587731522284552321  L  0.083 0.028 0.583 0.278 0     0.028 36 2
      587725469600972985  L  0.156 0     0.406 0.375 0     0.062 32 2
      588016892783165556  L  0.28  0.12  0.24  0.36  0     0     25 2
      587739114173300888  L  0.04  0     0.08  0.64  0.04  0.2   25 2
      587732153106825307  L  0.481 0.058 0.327 0.096 0.019 0.019 52 2
      588848900973527143  L  0.136 0.091 0.273 0.455 0     0.045 22 2
      587742014881398790  L  0.369 0.169 0.323 0.108 0     0.031 65 2
      587732578306752636  L  0.031 0.016 0.578 0.375 0     0     64 2
      587725551206924339  L  0.05  0.025 0.1   0.8   0     0.025 40 2
      587726031701344331  L  0.647 0     0.059 0.235 0     0.059 34 2
      587732582590709895  L  0.062 0.031 0.594 0.281 0     0.031 32 2
      587732583665827918  L  0.556 0.037 0.185 0.204 0     0.019 54 2
      587728879271149692  L  0.138 0     0.379 0.414 0.034 0.034 29 2
      587732701258252388  L  0.08  0     0.76  0.12  0.04  0     25 2
      587726033854201961  L  0.074 0     0.778 0.148 0     0     27 2
      587739648893845580  L  0.103 0     0.276 0.448 0     0.172 29 2
      587741709955235963  L  0.019 0     0.056 0.907 0     0.019 54 2
      587731891651412074  L  0.077 0     0.5   0.423 0     0     26 2
      587739406779941067  L  0.484 0.065 0.097 0.355 0     0     31 2
      587731870171922577  L  0.032 0     0.742 0.226 0     0     31 2
      587738950950977666  L  0.226 0.032 0.387 0.355 0     0     31 2
      587739504470458507  L  0.265 0.059 0.588 0.088 0     0     34 2
      587732771598696580  L  0.31  0     0.31  0.379 0     0     29 2
      587735666375983268  L  0.3   0.1   0.1   0.05  0.45  0     20 2
      587738950418432147  L  0.567 0.067 0.2   0.167 0     0     30 2
      587741722288586815  L  0.656 0     0.031 0.188 0.125 0     32 2
      587739506085855375  L  0.111 0.056 0.278 0.556 0     0     18 2
      587729386083123405  L  1     0     0     0     0     0     68 2
      587732590109589672  L  0.622 0.022 0.289 0.067 0     0     45 2
      587738951494140065  L  0.486 0     0.108 0.378 0     0.027 37 2
      587738568175648809  L  0.942 0.019 0.038 0     0     0     52 2
      588011218062016707  L  0.147 0.029 0.235 0.529 0     0.059 34 2
      587738574610104357  L  0.174 0.13  0.174 0.522 0     0     23 2
      587733412059807861  L  0.606 0.152 0.212 0.03  0     0     33 2
      587733398102933517  L  0.1   0     0.04  0.76  0     0.1   50 2
      588018091614011411  L  0.433 0     0.033 0.5   0     0.033 30 2
      588011101568368743  L  0.377 0.246 0.262 0.098 0     0.016 61 2
      587739381534228721  L  0.917 0     0.042 0     0     0.042 24 2
      587729407537905991  L  0.065 0.032 0.194 0.677 0     0.032 31 2
      587739811572810183  L  0.071 0.054 0.304 0.571 0     0     56 2
      587733397572354281  L  0.179 0.143 0.25  0.429 0     0     28 2
      588018090011066410  L  0.516 0     0.129 0.129 0.226 0     31 2
      587729652887453910  L  0.154 0.058 0.385 0.365 0     0.038 52 2
      587727213341507747  L  0.967 0.033 0     0     0     0     30 2
      587727221396472319  L  0.095 0.048 0.667 0.095 0.048 0.048 21 2

    Table A2. Galaxies classified as L in L11 and net CW in GZ, i.e. P_CW › P_ACW


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    587739152815423712 118.42626 16.33384 0.054
    587735660477743222 156.5769 37.70362 0.061
    588017110216605791 165.89192 45.17043 0.022
    587741533857972383 167.30975 29.49523 0.074
    587725039014707336 172.13927 -3.53983 0.061
    588010879829868606 173.20242 5.50652 0.021
    587734893287768131 174.77235 10.13539 0.043
    587732483284599001 177.91087 49.68605 0.076
    587722983350075410 178.5614 0.01548 0.056
    587725550675296384 182.93224 66.80087 0.062
    588017605761695802 196.67773 45.10334 0.061
    587725041711644785 200.91797 -1.46367 0.077
    588018055650017453 215.29976 48.33277 0.076
    587736963457745004 215.93018 33.48459 0.083
    587726102558408873 216.42343 5.13959 0.056
    587739406257356969 217.21352 29.91075 0.058
    587732483837460488 229.21104 40.76292 0.077
    587733604266410279 244.46086 41.27167 0.062
    588007004195389588 249.13036 42.04515 0.061
    587731186723717665 321.03699 0.32129 0.063

          GALAXYNAME     L11 CW    ACW   EDGE  EL    MG    DK    Nv T
      587739152815423712  R  0.038 0.038 0.615 0.192 0     0.115 26 2
      587735660477743222  R  0.04  0.04  0.56  0.28  0.04  0.04  25 2
      588017110216605791  R  0.186 0.186 0.302 0.233 0.093 0     43 2
      587741533857972383  R  0.1   0.1   0.333 0.433 0     0.033 30 2
      587725039014707336  R  0.079 0.079 0.19  0.635 0     0.016 63 2
      588010879829868606  R  0.029 0.029 0.088 0.853 0     0     34 2
      587734893287768131  R  0.125 0.125 0     0.042 0.667 0.042 24 2
      587732483284599001  R  0.061 0.061 0.636 0.242 0     0     33 2
      587722983350075410  R  0.033 0.033 0.59  0.311 0     0.033 61 2
      587725550675296384  R  0.174 0.174 0.203 0.348 0     0.101 69 2
      588017605761695802  R  0.032 0.032 0.677 0.258 0     0     31 2
      587725041711644785  R  0.032 0.032 0.065 0.806 0.032 0.032 31 2
      588018055650017453  R  0.033 0.033 0.9   0.033 0     0     30 2
      587736963457745004  R  0.083 0.083 0.458 0.375 0     0     24 2
      587726102558408873  R  0.132 0.132 0.342 0.342 0     0.053 38 2
      587739406257356969  R  0.154 0.154 0.308 0.308 0     0.077 26 2
      587732483837460488  R  0.039 0.039 0.196 0.608 0     0.118 51 2
      587733604266410279  R  0.12  0.12  0.08  0.6   0     0.08  25 2
      588007004195389588  R  0.03  0.03  0.364 0.545 0     0.03  33 2
      587731186723717665  R  0.033 0.033 0.2   0.733 0     0     30 2

    Table A3. Galaxies classified as R in L11, but with P_CW = P_ACW › 0 in GZ; an "equal" subset


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    587731186741805195 2.32816 0.32902 0.063
    587733080811569291 178.90176 54.92696 0.079
    587732484895998082 180.52716 50.98257 0.056
    587729387689214058 181.72466 60.41423 0.054
    588017626155188256 184.28683 44.62851 0.077
    587739609165135993 187.18947 32.51324 0.042
    587735348576845897 188.86314 15.15488 0.075
    588010880374079688 190.06419 5.88402 0.077
    587741600961396756 192.76395 26.44573 0.020
    587725039562129567 196.23059 -3.28777 0.076
    588017991223541837 197.36237 9.7703 0.054
    587739707943747595 208.22707 28.18126 0.062
    587735429620629622 208.8336 47.23188 0.062
    588298664117927954 209.24794 45.72578 0.063
    587725550144323641 214.37225 63.2861 0.077
    587733424945168464 216.41745 56.42184 0.062
    588011123584008361 217.5428 58.11373 0.062
    587736916215267502 219.35738 12.73709 0.063
    587736914607538286 225.91393 10.56892 0.075
    587735665847173130 226.65544 49.42325 0.077
    588017991237042277 228.38512 7.22821 0.041

          GALAXYNAME     L11 CW    ACW   EDGE  EL    MG    DK    Nv T
      587731186741805195  L  0.107 0.107 0.643 0.143 0     0     28 2
      587733080811569291  L  0.045 0.045 0.136 0.727 0     0.045 22 2
      587732484895998082  L  0.042 0.042 0.542 0.375 0     0     24 2
      587729387689214058  L  0.045 0.045 0.182 0.682 0     0.045 22 2
      588017626155188256  L  0.031 0.031 0.094 0.812 0     0.031 32 2
      587739609165135993  L  0.042 0.042 0.125 0.792 0     0     24 2
      587735348576845897  L  0.033 0.033 0.833 0.067 0     0.033 30 2
      588010880374079688  L  0.228 0.228 0.439 0.07  0.018 0.018 57 2
      587741600961396756  L  0.037 0.037 0.296 0.593 0     0.037 27 2
      587725039562129567  L  0.054 0.054 0.125 0.089 0.643 0.036 56 2
      588017991223541837  L  0.071 0.071 0.536 0.179 0.071 0.071 28 2
      587739707943747595  L  0.034 0.034 0.207 0.414 0     0.31  29 2
      587735429620629622  L  0.023 0.023 0.25  0.705 0     0     44 2
      588298664117927954  L  0.032 0.032 0.065 0.645 0.065 0.161 31 2
      587725550144323641  L  0.031 0.031 0     0.844 0     0.094 32 2
      587733424945168464  L  0.125 0.125 0.406 0.344 0     0     32 2
      588011123584008361  L  0.024 0.024 0.122 0.732 0     0.098 41 2
      587736916215267502  L  0.093 0.093 0.111 0.685 0     0.019 54 2
      587736914607538286  L  0.133 0.133 0.167 0.5   0.067 0     30 2
      587735665847173130  L  0.033 0.033 0.067 0.8   0     0.067 30 2
      588017991237042277  L  0.038 0.038 0.423 0.423 0     0.077 26 2

    Table A4. Galaxies classified as L in L11, but with P_CW = P_ACW › 0 in GZ; an "equal" subset


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    587732578296004696 128.43147 4.22582 0.074
    588297864181121186 140.53439 37.90279 0.061
    587735343189196882 144.64497 8.96951 0.077
    587732703396167890 145.02582 6.59802 0.076
    587729386608001162 151.17392 54.85752 0.077
    587732580980555932 161.65993 56.89373 0.074
    587739295087263900 164.36592 33.0327 0.074
    587739407313666060 170.04643 34.14972 0.035
    587739099132068043 170.69052 37.77689 0.007
    587738574071267534 202.21945 38.94865 0.061
    587729228222562349 230.69582 59.35255 0.076
    587729233056170206 256.10791 39.1941 0.063
    587725492137165075 260.87906 56.47715 0.062

          GALAXYNAME     L11 CW    ACW   EDGE  EL    MG    DK    Nv T
      587732578296004696  R  0     0     0.067 0.2   0.1   0.633 30 2
      588297864181121186  R  0     0     0.111 0.889 0     0     36 2
      587735343189196882  R  0     0     0.879 0.103 0     0.017 58 2
      587732703396167890  R  0     0     0.13  0.652 0     0.217 23 2
      587729386608001162  R  0     0     0.296 0.556 0.037 0.111 27 2
      587732580980555932  R  0     0     0.053 0.947 0     0     19 2
      587739295087263900  R  0     0     0.179 0.714 0     0.107 28 2
      587739407313666060  R  0     0     0.156 0.844 0     0     32 2
      587739099132068043  R  0     0     0.23  0.486 0.081 0.203 74 3
      587738574071267534  R  0     0     0.097 0.903 0     0     31 2
      587729228222562349  R  0     0     0.107 0.143 0.607 0.143 28 2
      587729233056170206  R  0     0     0.129 0.774 0.065 0.032 31 2
      587725492137165075  R  0     0     0.2   0.7   0     0.1   20 2

    Table A5. Galaxies classified as R in L11, but with P_CW = P_ACW = 0 in GZ; a "zero" subset


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    588017978342768763 147.35893 33.32215 0.053
    587742061599195300 158.97311 20.48449 0.043
    588017566019616856 168.58704 11.58965 0.076
    587729155207004394 173.33856 64.9326 0.063
    588010879296995399 182.37483 5.12101 0.076
    588011217523048649 197.14445 61.26666 0.077
    587733399171301490 213.88327 51.91888 0.077
    587733423871098979 214.61688 55.95553 0.077
    588017114517405716 215.54442 42.38392 0.076
    588017702952894720 231.8837 8.03949 0.076
    587733609085861917 237.12354 46.99182 0.077
    587733410992029837 239.06682 39.86048 0.071
    587729751131029820 244.69986 43.08878 0.063
    587725491060867143 255.87067 61.68608 0.077

          GALAXYNAME     L11 CW    ACW   EDGE  EL    MG    DK    Nv T
      588017978342768763  L  0     0     0.615 0.308 0     0.077 26 2
      587742061599195300  L  0     0     1     0     0     0     25 2
      588017566019616856  L  0     0     0.52  0.4   0     0.08  25 2
      587729155207004394  L  0     0     0.406 0.594 0     0     32 2
      588010879296995399  L  0     0     0     1     0     0     25 2
      588011217523048649  L  0     0     0.138 0.793 0     0.069 29 2
      587733399171301490  L  0     0     0     1     0     0     28 2
      587733423871098979  L  0     0     0.074 0.889 0     0.037 27 2
      588017114517405716  L  0     0     0.074 0.889 0.019 0.019 54 2
      588017702952894720  L  0     0     0     0.333 0     0.667  9 2
      587733609085861917  L  0     0     0.152 0.788 0     0.061 33 2
      587733410992029837  L  0     0     0     0.125 0.708 0.167 24 2
      587729751131029820  L  0     0     0.276 0.552 0.034 0.138 29 2
      587725491060867143  L  0     0     0.087 0.783 0     0.13  23 2

    Table A6. Galaxies classified as L in L11, but with P_CW = P_ACW = 0 in GZ; a "zero" subset

    As noted in [2], two objects in the L11 file are not in GZ DR1: GALAXYNAME 587727780279549993, and 587730845816521009.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Explanatory Note

    This material was originally published in Zooniverse Letters, on 28 April, 2013; the title is the same ("Curious Pattern in Longo's 2011 Net Handedness Asymmetries (in SDSS Galaxies)"). The Zooniverse Letter contains a transcription error - in Table 1 and Figure 1 - which has been corrected in this version. Minor formatting changes have been made, to accommodate the quirks of this version of Talk; otherwise the content is the same.

    Comments welcome!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Here is a version of Figure 2 with DREGS error bars and global mean added:


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    As described in some detail in this thread, I've been teaching myself how to write/format a document in a form suitable for submitting to MNRAS*. Here's where I'm up to.

    Comments and suggestions welcome! 😃

    *not that I'd submit this document, of course, but at least I now know enough that - should I ever write a draft paper good enough - I could turn it into something which would come close to being acceptable (style/format-wise)


  • mlpeck by mlpeck in response to JeanTate's comment.


    Are you using an MNRAS class file for any reason other than intent to submit a paper to MNRAS? If, as indicated in the footnote, the intended audience for this particular document is someone other than an MNRAS editor you might want to format it differently. Personally I prefer a single column layout, especially for papers that I read on screen.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to mlpeck's comment.

    @mlpeck: it's primarily a test of my ability to create a document in a format that is (or is close to) acceptable to MNRAS. I had, earlier, managed to create a PDF, from a .tex, in a 'generic' LaTeX* format (see the first link in my post); now I (almost) know how create one that is good enough (format-wise) to submit to MNRAS, or post to arXiv. Of all the Zooniverse Letters I have 'published', I chose this one because I have also already published it elsewhere; for some background, see the Status and future of Letters, and other Zooniverse support for zooites' independent research? thread (esp p2).

    I will be looking into how different/difficult it is to prepare a document for submission to some other, relevant journals, and will likely do a test involving another of my Zooniverse Letters that I have also published elsewhere. Then I intend to write a 'real' paper, for submission to at least arXiv; this may be based on one of my Letters (or some combo of several), or it may be something new (e.g. starting with Quench and going beyond, or something from RGZ).

    Personally I prefer a single column layout, especially for papers that I read on screen.

    May I ask, do you have a documentclass I could use, one that you know (works) well and which produces a layout that's both easy to read on screen and one which would likely require only minor modification to make it good enough - format-wise - for submission to arXiv?

    *or is it Tex? I get confused; what's the format (like PDF), and what's (whatever the other is)?


  • mlpeck by mlpeck in response to JeanTate's comment.

    May I ask, do you have a documentclass I could use, one that you know
    (works) well and which produces a layout that's both easy to read on
    screen and one which would likely require only minor modification to
    make it good enough - format-wise - for submission to arXiv?

    A generic "article" document class with a few additions and modifications would probably be good enough, even for arxiv if not for a journal submission. I'd post an example but something tells me Talk wouldn't like LaTeX markup embedded in a post, so I've sent an email to the address you were using earlier this year.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to mlpeck's comment.

    Thanks. I have received your email, and have replied.
