Galaxy Zoo Talk

An Asteroid's spectrum?

  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    I was looking for precovery images of transneptunian object 2001 QQ322, I happened across an unusual asteroid- unusual for a number of reasons.

    enter image description here

    The primary reason it is odd is because I searched the ID of what the asteroid could possibly be, and apparently it hasn't been discovered yet. It's magnitude 20.5, and most objects of this magnitude in the asteroid belt have already been discovered.

    Aside from that, even weirder, the SDSS spectrometer for some reason decided to take its spectrum!


    Can anyone tell anything about the spectrum? Or at least be able to recognize what some of the peaks are?


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    Update: The asteroid is (309799) 2009 BT41 AKA 1993 TQ25


  • c_cld by c_cld in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    @planetaryscience If you look at the interactive spectrum

    it's only the "sky flux" as the asteroid has moved from the time mjd 51790 of image shot.

    time interval (52258 - 51790) = 468 days
