Galaxy Zoo Talk

potential gravitational lens

  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    while looking for precovery images of TNO 2012 VV113, I happened across an odd circular formation of galaxies that seemed unusual- I would probably go with an overlap/merger myself but I am not an expert on gravity lenses so hopefully someone who is more qualified in this will see it:

    enter image description here

    RA: 02 04 22.7

    DEC: -04 08 52

    the photoZ of the three suggest that the two 'lensed' galaxies are nearer than the 'lensing' one, but they are also very different from each other, leading me to believe that the values aren't reliable. Additionally, the lens doesn't seem to be centered on the larger galaxy, but I am again not an expert on these objects, and don't know if that makes the lensing impossible.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Probably a highly unusual star trail. A lens arc would be the colour of distant galaxies, red or magenta or bright blue. Since this is the same colour as the galaxies, I would think that it is a long trail. Maybe it should go on "Objects that need more research"

    Here are links to images of lenses

    3.9 Gravitational lenses


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    Object is SDSS J020423.10-040850.3

    Here is CFHT image

    IMHO looks like merger of some sort

    enter image description here


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Thanks Dolorous_Edd , when you posted I was scared that I had missed something, and you were going to show a huge relativistic jet coming from it! Glad that you think it is a merger too.
