Galaxy Zoo Talk

"Failed to initialize the Common" DR7 Quick Look Tool bug?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    When I clicked on View on SkyServer for AGZ0007r5p (in GZ Examine), the image is black (blank) except for the cryptic text "Failed to initialize the Common". Is there a bug in this tool?

    It's not SDSS which is the problem; here's the DR10 Examine image (sans the cross-hairs etc):

    enter image description here

    Related question: was the foreground star (or artifact?) removed before the image was artificially redshifted? Here's the modified image:

    enter image description here


  • KWillett by KWillett scientist, admin, translator

    The link for the artificially redshifted images (of which this is currently one) doesn't work for the moment; the reason is that they have DR7 objIDs and the link currently points to DR10. The bug has been reported, and hopefully our developers will fix it as soon as they can.

    Bright stars in the SDSS images were subtracted prior to the redshifting process - good catch! As a result, these mostly won't appear in the artificially redshifted images.


  • KWillett by KWillett scientist, admin, translator

    Oops - addendum to that. That looks like a bug on the Skyserver website itself, @jeantate. Other, non-GZ users have reported the same problem. I'll submit a bug report - hopefully they can fix it soon. We don't have any control for the data coming from the SDSS side, though.
