Galaxy Zoo Talk

Tag your galaxies with hashtags

  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    Just a comment that if you tag things using hashtags you can make automatic collections. You can also tag #questions to help the science team or experienced users find your questions.

    Tags are explained more in the talk turtorial.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Some currently-used hashtags:


    But of course those are just suggestions -- tag away with these or others!


  • HeadAroundU by HeadAroundU that's what I call #blueclumps :d


  • Arlo_James_Barnes by Arlo_James_Barnes

    Although it has less scientific value, I have seen people tag things #beauty or #beautiful or the like.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    so eg #merger and #mergers will get things in separate collections ?


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    so eg #merger and #mergers will get things in separate collections ? #justasking

    Theoretically yes, but we can combine searches for both if necessary, so that (and common misspellings) shouldn't be an issue.


  • PDXDave by PDXDave

    Talk totorial? Where?


  • Infinity by Infinity moderator

    You can find that in the drop down menu under 'Home' ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to PDXDave's comment.

    Talk totorial? Where?

    So there is a tutorial for Talk but not for the main site ?
    Very strange !


  • karthikeyan.d by karthikeyan.d

    What is the difference between classifying something as a merger (under the "Is there anything odd?" question) and adding the #merger tag?


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    They're different ways to flag the same thing. The merger classification is useful because it's uniformly asked in each sample, although the tag might be more flexible. For example, if you saw a merger of a barred spiral and two ellipticals, you could flag it as a three-way merger with all of those as hashtags. So it's possible that eventually we can build up sub-classes of objects with the tags to assist us.


  • karthikeyan.d by karthikeyan.d

    Thanks vrooje.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    I hope that the tags might be get a drop-down menu, in case I don't remember how to spell #voorwerp


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I read somewhere that even misspellings get included ! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Is there a filter - by admins/developers/mods - as to what hashtags are accepted? Or if you put the hash character in front of a word, have you automatically created a new hashtag (assuming it hadn't been used before)?

    Also, are two-word hashtags possible? For example (with '$' replacing '#'), are $red spiral and $blue elliptical hashtags? Or must they be $redspiral and $blueelliptical ? If the latter, is there a way to pick up $bluelliptical (the double 'e' is gross) as the same as $blueelliptical ?

    Finally, if there are common punctuation marks after a hashtag, does that create a new hashtag? For example, are $wow and $Wow!! the same hashtag? What about $spiral and $spiral? ? And $merger and $merger and $merger. ?


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I don't know the full details on punctuation in hashtags but so far by my tests it works like Twitter: only letters (no spaces, no punctuation, capitalization ignored) count in a hashtag, so (hash, not $, etc.) $wow and $WOW!! would be the same. And by putting the hash character in front of a word you do create a (possibly new) hashtag.

    I don't think the search allows for OR clauses (like '$bluelliptical OR $blueeliptical') -- yet.


  • karthikeyan.d by karthikeyan.d in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    I read somewhere that even misspellings get included ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Yes, they do. I tagged an image as #distrubed first and then added another, correctly spelt, hashtag.


  • Freethesouls by Freethesouls

    I like to add these to the list, please. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    vrooje (science team)
    9 days ago in Tag your galaxies with hash...
    Some currently-used hashtags:
















  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to vrooje's comment.

    I don't know the full details on punctuation in hashtags but so far by my tests it works like Twitter: only letters (no spaces, no punctuation, capitalization ignored) count in a hashtag, so (hash, not $, etc.) $wow and $WOW!! would be the same. And by putting the hash character in front of a word you do create a (possibly new) hashtag.
    I don't think the search allows for OR clauses (like '$bluelliptical OR $blueeliptical') -- yet.


    One more: what about a string of hashtags? Do they all get picked up, or just the first one? If the latter, does putting them on separate lines work?
    Example ($, not hash): $wow $cool $merger - gives the object three hashtags? or only the first (or perhaps last)?
    How about doing it this way:
    Or this: $wow; $cool, $merger ?


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to JeanTate's comment.

    I believe all three of those options will end up with the same result.

    Budgieye, on the home page of Talk there is a collection of recently-used tags, but I don't think this shows up on individual object/discussion pages. I think there are advantages and disadvantages of that, and the way it's done may change. A dropdown list of tags might be counter-productive, as it might imply to new users that only those tags included in the menu were "correct" or "approved", when in fact we want the tags to be user-driven. Some form of auto-complete is at least worth discussing, though. I always have to double-check my spelling of voorwerp too!


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Good call !
    But can I say this as a personal thing : the smilies are really ugly and I don' mean just ugly, but really, really ugly (sorry)


  • gwennie71 by gwennie71

    I'm not very bright (no pun intended) when it comes to computers but how do you tag with a hash tag? also what do they mean when the ask if a galaxy looks clumpy?


  • gwennie71 by gwennie71

    opps just read klmasters comment on where to find out more about tags.


  • v3nom by v3nom

    I am registered here for couple months, but I find this "keyword thing" confusing.

    1. I like DRY principle (do not repeat yourself), as I am software developer ๐Ÿ˜‰ Many keywords just duplicates basic tools: merger, spiral, ring, dustlane. It collides logically with basic concept of having many classifications merged at the end, because fragment gets tagged (1/true) or not (0/false).

    2. Keyword is public and might suggest that author is experienced or at least knows the job, which might be not the case. I saw tags, for example: "supernova" and answers "it seems to be foreground star, dude!". Who is right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    3. It is hard to remember what to tag. I know there is tag cloud at the bottom of talk home page, but I think keywords should be available in some sort of list on the discussion page for each fragment. What do you think about that?

    I was even more confused until I found below tutorial:

    Thanks for that. It clarified situation a lot!


  • Mgorman by Mgorman

    I like the free wheeling aspect of the tags and at times, especially with the Hubble images, I see details in the Examine in Different Wavelengths feature that I could not see otherwise. I see the Science Team's earlier point about having tags be user driven and not having drop down menus for tags. But after a few months in the Zoo I am at the point that I really want to see a list of tags because I am curious about what the community has found interesting, now or previously. Some sort of tag #search would be great!


  • ascil by ascil

    After fiddling around with the tagging in the talk I agree.

    Although the large numbers of users creating new tags might make it tricky to evaluate the results and get the tags that are really used by a larger number of users.

    So it might be interesting to include the number of items found using a special tag. Additionally I read somewhere that the admins are grouping the tags to account for typos and (guessing now) bunch similar tags (e.g. #bug #problem). If done so, would it be possible including these groups for example in the result set?


  • lovermann by lovermann

    What about tagging with ngc or ugc names? What is recommended format: NGCXXXX or NGC_XXXX, UGC.
    It is necessary to tag galaxies according ngc catalogue at all? Thanks is advance.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    No it is not necessary to tag galaxies with ngc. You can do it if you feel like it. ๐Ÿ˜„


  • Wisi_EU by Wisi_EU

    hi there, another link I thought would be helpful for anyone starting here, to better understand and classify the different galaxies:
