Galaxy Zoo Talk

How to find 'low hit' hashtags?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    On the Home page there's a heap of hashtags, with the size of each coded into the font size of the tag, and ranked by size (more or less). Size is - I guess - a monotonic function of the number of objects with that tag (from both WDYT - what do you think - and SAD - start a discussion?).

    However, there are certainly more hashtags than are shown there! Not shown are hashtags which have the fewest objects tagged (I assume tags are only counted once, per WDYT or SAD; for example, if I wrote $wow $wow $wow $wow $wow - $ substituted for hash - in a single WDYT, that'd count as only one, right?). And as GZTalk grows, and more hashtags are created and used, the less frequent/popular ones will become more numerous.

    How can we see these less popular hashtags? #question


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Thanks kuyanik.

    I actually agree with vrooje, and think there should not be a drop-down menu.

    My question - and concern - is the flip-side: how do you find hashtags that are not very popular (unless you're an admin)? If we want zooites to be creative, to not be restricted in their thinking, we also need to be able to actually know what they're thinking. And you can't do that if you can't find the (possibly very insightful) hashtags they create.

    Perhaps some examples.

    Suppose you are fond of purple, and would like to collect purple objects. So, since you're not going to be able to go through all ~200,000+ zoo objects yourself, you look for ones others have found, by searching for hashtags like $purple, $mauve, and $violet. But how do you find those, if they're not very popular?

    I created the hashtag $fauxzodiacallight, to describe the glow of bright stars beyond an edge of the image (I haven't used $lightpillar yet, but I may!). Many newbies won't have any idea what zodiacal light is, much less actually seen it. But if even a few are spurred to learn about it, isn't that great? And if, like me, a zooite is browsing through the list of hashtags, clicking on ones that catch their fancy, who knows what strange and wondrous connections will be sparked in their brains?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Is there a way, in the Upgraded Talk, to obtain a list of hashtags?

    Preferably one that is sorted in some way. Or, even better, one that you could sort by different keys! For example, alphabetically (and reverse), by time of creation, by frequency.
